Planned Giving


Some of the most powerful gifts we receive that have enduring impact, come from people who leave us a gift in their will or trust. It's easy to do and costs you little or nothing today. Leaving a gift in your will or trust allows you to leave a personal legacy, honor a loved one, and provide vital long-term support of the Allentown Symphony.

Already included us in your will?

Use an IRA to Make a Tax-efficient Gift
Use an IRA to Make a Tax-efficient Gift
If you are aged 70 ½ or older, you can reduce your taxable income by making a gift to Allentown Symphony Association directly from your IRA.
Free Estate Planning Guide
Free Estate Planning Guide
Are you ready to plan your will or trust? We would like to send you a free Estate Planning Guide. This guide will help you record your estate distribution plans.
Let Us Help You with Your Plans
Let Us Help You with Your Plans
If you are considering a gift to Allentown Symphony Association as part of your estate plan, or if you have already included us, we'd like to recognize your support.

Tell Us About Your Gift
Request More Information

Join the Voorhees Society

The Voorhees Society honors the generosity of people who give to the Allentown Symphony Association through their will, trust or estate plan. Please join us to protect the future of the Allentown Symphony Orchestra, music education, and our historic Miller Symphony Hall for future generations.
Join Our Giving Society
